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IANAS Workshop on Energy

El IANAS Workshop on Energy "Toward a sustaintable energy future" tendrá lugar los días 30 y 31 de octubre en el Centro Argentino de Ingenieros, Cerrito 1250, Buenos Aires.

imagen IANAS Workshop on Energy

"Toward a sustainable energy future"

October 30th and 31st, 2008

Centro Argentino de Ingenieros- Cerrito 1250 - Buenos Aires - República Argentina

Organizing Institutions:

* IANAS - InterAmerican Network of Academies of Science
* Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación Argentina
* Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Financial institutions:

* IAC- InterAcademy Council
* IAP- InterAcademy Panel


The association of the science academies of the world, the InterAcademy Panel - IAP, has for the past decade worked to strengthen the role of academies of science as national and global service organizations. In particular, they have been increasing their role in providing independent, science-based inputs relevant to policy decisions. An operating arm of this association, the InterAcademy Council- IAC, has been established to provide in-depth studies on major global challenges. The IAC has produced a report on how the world can move toward a sustainable energy future, Lighting the Way; Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, (
The IAP subgroup for the Americas (the InterAmerican Network of Academies of Science - IANAS) will hold a Workshop to address how a sustainable energy future can be implemented in the Americas. The Workshop will bring together the science and engineering community with government and private sector experts and policy makers. The Workshop will discuss the recommendations from IAC report in the context of IANAS countries and will address action plans and timeliness for their implementation.
The Workshop will focus on the energy challenges of the countries of IANAS member academies. The goals are:
1. To discuss, for those countries, policy priorities for sustainable energy and environmental protection, especially for efficiency in the use of existing resources, and for the development of new sources of energy.
2. To consider how decision-makers might adopt stepwise programs of near- and long-term measures to implement the energy policy.
3. To discuss integration and synergy of local actions and coordination among the countries of IANAS member academies

Information and inscription:


Tel (0054) 11 4811-2998 / 4815-9451 - Fax (0054) 11 4811-6951 -

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